Ultimate Texas Hold’em

Ultimate Texas Hold ‘em is the table games version of the super popular and extremely well known Texas Hold ‘em. Instead of playing against nine opponents, each Player plays against the Dealer and has the option of making a wager on the value of their hand. 

In Ultimate Texas Hold ‘em, the earlier the Player bets the more they can wager. Plus, the Player does not have to decide whether to fold or play until all of the Community Cards are exposed. If the Trips wager is bet and the final five card hand is at least three of a kind (Trips), the bet will be paid odds.

The game is starting by making the two mandatory bets, the Play and the Ante, and at this time the Player has the option of making the Trips bet as well. Once all bets are placed the Dealer will deal five cards face down. Each Player will then receive two cards ending with the Dealer receiving two cards as well. After Players check their hole cards, they must decide whether to Check, Play or Fold. If the Player decides to play before the Flop they may bet three or four times the Ante, if they decide to play after the Flop they may bet two times the Ante, and if they wait until all community cards are exposed they may bet equal to the Ante.

The Dealer must have at least a pair to qualify. If not, the Ante bet is returned to the Player and all other bets must face the Dealer. If the Dealer’s hand beats the Player’s hand, the Play, Ante, and Blind wagers lose. If the Player and the Dealer tie the three main game bets push.


Here at Chukchansi we are always in pursuit of the most exhilarating games. We are pleased to announce that all of our Pai Gow, Ultimate Texas Hold ‘em, Three Card Poker and Spanish 21 tables are equipped with a Progressive Payout side bet. The bet is a dollar, and could win you thousands. Our Biggest winner to-date is over $204,072.

They’re simple to play, simply put a dollar chip in the Progressive Betting area and depending on your hand you could win on top of your main game wager.

All guests playing the progressive must have a Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino Rewards Card.

Current Progressives: (As of 03/10/2025)

Ultimate Texas Hold’em

Face Up Pai Gow

Spanish 21

Three Card Poker



